Hack the space day

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On the last weekend of the month we will have a day dedicated to improving the space, on this day you will NOT be able to work on your own projects. The exact day and agenda is confirmed in that months Members' Meeting, held every second Tuesday.

On this day we aim to be open between 10am and 4pm and will work on tasks to improve the space for all members.

Unless a large improvement project is scheduled, like painting the floor, the following tasks need to be completed on the HTS day;


  • Empty draining board (if dirty wash in sink or fill dishwasher)
  • Clean surfaces, only appliances should be on surfaces so put things away in cupboards, or the bin.
  • Empty fridge of expired/bad looking items
  • Clean fridge
  • Restock fridge

Electronics / Printers / etc

  • Tidy tools Put loose components/filament rolls back
  • Hoover the bench tops

Laser Cutter

  • Remove the tray and hoover
  • Place laser material in the rack
  • Bin material that has no use left (trim material to usable size)
  • Wipe down surfaces

Clean room

  • Put all tools/equipment back where they belong
  • Dry and store any 3d printer filament left out as per 3D printer filament storage
  • Message all members that have expired storage items
  • Remove/bin items that have been incorrectly stored
  • Wipe/dust down all surfaces that can be reached with the small step ladder
  • Hoover floors
  • Mop floors


  • Put all tools back where they belong
  • Bin excess material (if it does not fit in the designated location)
  • Check dust filters (hoovers/cyclone/hanging)
  • Message all members that have expired storage items
  • Remove/bin items that have been incorrectly stored
  • Wipe/dust down all surfaces that can be reached with the small step ladder
  • Hoover floors

Infrequent tasks

Every year we need to go through all equipment (especially ones that plug into the wall) and check they are safe, make a log of this.